Halloween Safety Tips

With Halloween on the horizon, we wanted to take some time to go over some safety tips for this popular holiday!
Drive with extra caution on Halloween night to protect those excited children running from door to door. Slow down and make sure you’re driving distraction-free.
If you’re handing out candy, make sure that the pathway to your home is free of obstacles, your front door area well-lit, and pets confined to another room to prevent any mishaps.
Consider distributing candy in a contact-free way to reduce the risks of Covid-19. Set up a bowl with instructions (e.g. “Please help yourself to two pieces of candy!”) on your porch or outside of your front door. Make hand sanitizer available. If passing out candy, wear a mask to protect yourself and trick-or-treaters. Conversely, practice social distancing from other groups when trick-or-treating with little ones. Do not participate in trick-or-treating if you or your child feel unwell.
Finally, come up with alternatives to public Halloween activities like trick-or-treating, haunted houses, and parties. Carving pumpkins with family, doing a virtual costume contest, or having a movie night with spooky films–all of these are fun ways to celebrate the holiday while keeping safe during the pandemic.